Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Learning and Online Communication Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Learning and Online Communication. Answer: Introduction and Chapter One Reflection These kinds of assignments are very interesting to execute. Reflections always lead to introspections and understanding, by questioning myself in regards to what I have learnt from the provided study. I have been fond of accountancy since a very long time. This particular subject has taught me the fundamental principles that are required for being successful in any kind of business. The particular paper aims to identify and assess the business and personal communications that is gradually going online in the regular course of the business proceedings. The interesting part of this study is that the particular way that online communication is taking over global business. Moreover, this is bringing the end users of the commodities and services and the owners of the business closer to each other. However, the first impression that I had gained while going through the assignment is that a huge amount of information that has been presented in the introduction and chapter one was more than enough to understand and retain at once. However, as I proceeded with the reading I found the piece of literature interesting and easy to understand. Thecloud accounting software packages that have been developed in the modern world are taking over theaccounting business globally. The knowledge in regards to online communication that I have acquired from this particular chapter has helped me to understand the benefits of online communication and the ways in which I can implement them in case of a business of my own. Moreover, I came to know about the disadvantages of online communication. Initially I used to think that there are no disadvantages to online communication. I thought that the only reason for business firms not undertaking the online communication for innovating the accounting and other related business proceedings was that the lack of enough capital for the implementation of the online processes. However, there are certain disadvantages to online communication. The people who do not have a knack for writing or have poor keyboard facilities cannot facilitate online communication. Moreover, certain potential risk like the risk in relation to information overload is a significant feature of online information. I understand this problem because I had been confronting similar situation in the past when I had received a mail in regards to a situational analysis. I did feel that too much information had been communicated and there was no one present to help me out with my confusion. Moreover, I came to know about the famous accounting software like the MYOB, Xero, Oracle, ERP and SAP. Moreover, the trends in regards to the online communication can be understood by the introduction of the smart phones in the market, which led to a global revolution in terms of connectivity through internet. The fact that an individual with an average income could afford to get the net connection that would connect him to the entire world. In other aspects, I came to know that learning is not just about understanding but about conceptualizing the acquired knowledge and changing as a person in regards to the new knowledge acquired. I feel that this is true because learning for me until now have been restricted to the examination papers. As long as I could rightly remember and deliver the acquired knowledge in the answer sheet, I was satisfied with whatever I had learnt. It is now that I understand that the worth of learning depends on the retaining of the acquired knowledge and not just delivery of the same. The fundamental concepts of finance has also been summarized and explained in this particular chapter. The particular area that interested me in regards to finance is the significance of the aspect of double entry accounting. Previously, I used to think it is just a technique which was adopted for posting the various transactions in the books of accounts. However, I came to know that the aspect of double entryaccounting was just not limited to that. Double entry accounting is the fundamental foundation of every accounting process and facilitates accurate financial proceedings. I have also been fascinated to know that the very core word of accounts that is debit and credit has been adopted from Latin. This means that the Latin word for debit is debere meaning to owe and that for credit is credere meaning to entrust. Moreover, another principle that I have acquired from this particular reading is that the equity of a firm is equal to the assets of the firm after the total amount of the liabilities have been deducted from the same. The formula can be expressed as: Equity = Assets Liabilities Therefore, the study guide had helped me to understand and explore the basics of the accounting process. moreover,, I have understood the particular difference between learning and retaining the concept that is being learned. Thus, it can be concluded that I now feel confident for the future endeavors in regards to this particular subject.

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